
Showing posts from July, 2012

Why Is Miami Trying To Burn "Burn Notice?"

Not since a certain pastel-tinted cop show from the 80s has Miami looked better on TV than in the popular series Burn Notice . The show, about a very cool spy left "out in the heat" in his hometown after being cut loose by the government, has been a huge success for the NBC Universal-owned USA network and a huge boon to the city of Miami. Unlike other recent shows that have had storylines based in Miami, Burn Notice is shot almost exclusively on location, which means that the backdrop on display has the look and feel of Miami because it is Miami. The city, which has been my home for 43 years, plays a pivotal role in the show to the point of actually becoming a character; anyone who lives here will tell you that Miami is a unique and exciting place, one that lends itself to stylish and dangerous drama, and isn't the kind of setting that can be recreated anywhere else. And yet, that's exactly what the political leaders who run the city of Miami seem to be trying to