
Showing posts from May, 2012

A Piece of the Action

If you're looking to raise capital for your media project, the U.S. government just inadvertently did you a big favor. Early last month the Jumpstart Our Business Startups, or JOBS, act, was signed into law and it received something we don't see much of in Congress these days: bipartisan support. The goal was to make it easier for budding businesses to acquire the cash they need to get off the ground and it does this by, among other things, relaxing regulations that have been in place for years. See, for a long time startup companies were prohibited from trolling for venture capital with a wide net, essentially soliciting potential investors cold; the rule was that you had to at least have some kind of a relationship with the people you were asking to take a chance on you and your idea or there existed stringent guidelines that they had to meet as "accredited investors." But with the rise of the internet and social media, it became obvious that technology had sever